With more ways to show small-step progress, the brand-new version of Classroom Monitor enables you to assess each pupil with SEND to their own personal needs.
When you need to track a wide range of abilities and behaviours for pupils with SEND, Classroom Monitor makes it much easier to record judgements and plan next steps.
Most other trackers will only ever classify pupils with SEND as working below age-related expectations. Classroom Monitor is different: you can assess pupils in the way that works best for them and for you, with a focus on positive outcomes.
We work with around 200 SEND and EBD schools, including pupil referral units and hospital schools, plus a wide network of SENDCO’s in mainstream schools.
“The biggest impact, is having a more meaningful bespoke curriculum that really helps to assess what actually matters.”
The Village School Brent
Classroom Monitor is fully customisable to any curriculum framework you choose to use. We also offer an off-the-shelf framework for pupils with SEND, designed by Access to Education (A2E).
The frameworks allow you to track small step progress in literacy and numeracy, and give you assessment criteria with related scoring. Although designed for children who fall significantly behind their peers, it focuses on positive outcomes and next-steps rather than under-achievement.
In just 30 minutes, we’ll show you how to save time, raise standards and simplify pupil tracking and data management with a free consultation.